Thursday, September 22, 2005

Balancing Rock at Garden of the Gods Posted by Picasa

I want off the TRAMPOLINE NOW!!! Posted by Picasa

Colorado Springs from the Wil Roger's Shrine Posted by Picasa

Ewan wearing his Bear coat

Ethan and Elijah age 3 Posted by Picasa

St.Louis Arch Posted by Picasa

Christopher and Stacey Posted by Picasa

Ethan rocking Posted by Picasa

Elijah looking at the Ducks, his favorite animals!! Posted by Picasa

Christian at his Spring Concert Posted by Picasa

Napoleon Dynamite Pose Posted by Picasa

Ewan played touch and run at Hershey's Chocolate World with all the Candy Posted by Picasa

Ewan the day after his operation Posted by Picasa

Lynn-Marie, Christian, Aidan and Ethan taken by Elijah Posted by Picasa

Ewan and Daddy Posted by Picasa

Skipping Stones at Lake Redman

Ewan being Ewan

Hiking at Lake Redman in York

Meeting the Reese's

Gettysburg, PA Posted by Picasa

Gettysburg battlefield

I climbed a tower to take a picture of all the boys below me.

Art in Colorado Springs Posted by Picasa

Art in Colorado Springs Posted by Picasa

Giraffe Fun again Posted by Picasa

Giraffe Fun Posted by Picasa

Giraffe Fun!! Posted by Picasa

The Zoo overlooking Colorado Springs

When you walk the entire way through the zoo, it is the same as walking up a 10 story building, because the zoo is on the side of the mountain.

How Aidan sleeps

Sign posted in the Zoo

Christian's 5th grade Graduation at King Posted by Picasa